I love going to gardens that are open with the National Gardens Scheme (is that the right title?) These are lovely, private gardens that open, usually on Sunday afternoons, in aid of a charity. Naturally, the owners have worked like Trojans to get their garden all ready, and we have been to some really lovely ones, and some that are wilder, and more natural.
I found the old roller in a garden that was made on a hillside, and there were lots of other old implements. It was a gorgeous place. I loved the way that such an ordinary object had been decorated and made beautiful. The sculpture was at a very large, more formal garden, and had one or two other sculptures, all modern. I'm not sure what this particular one was intended to represent - maybe it was there for us to make what we would of it. But somehow I liked it - it seemed to be a picture of what we make of our lives, bits and pieces, fitted in how they will, and yet it made a shape that was pleasing.
I'm looking forward to the Spring, when the gardens will be open again, and seeing what other people do with their own land.
Lovely pictures and I recognise the first one from One House Nursery... Did you see the llamas when you went?
Spring will soon be here - but will we get a summer this year??
Yes, I did see the llama, both real and wicker!
I love going to the national garden scheme gardens too, the big ones, but also the small, ordinary sized gardens, and seeing just what is posiblw with the kind of space that most of us have to work with. Very inspirational. Looking forward to spring too - have just taken the dog for her afternoon walk and saw a lady out in her front garden, being very industrious already. Helen x
that sculpture........wonder who made it?
I am looking forward to getting out into the garden when the days get a bit warmer. My husband had ideas about getting our garden into the NGS scheme but I hope that I have talked him out of it. It would involve far too much work.
Gilly, thanks so much for the visit and the comment. I love your photos of nature. I'll be back!
That looks indeed very special. What you can all make out of old stuff. I so love gardens although I am not a gardener My husband is a good one. Here some people have the mst amazing gardens where I would love to pop into
When I was growing up, "garden" to me meant a kitchen garden. It wasn't until I was about eight years old that I met someone (my piano teacher) for whom "garden" meant something more like the gardens you described here today. But I learned to love spending time in her garden, and then visiting and reading about other non-utilitarian gardens. Heirloom roses were a revelation to me.
Thanks for posting your interesting observations.
Spring has started here. There's hope for spring where you are, too.
I'll look forward to your posts of your visits to the gardens. I love going to the Open Gardens week we have in my area - it allows me to dream a little as I don't have a garden of my own.
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