The ones nearer the house are unfortunately under the bird feeders, and so tend to get trampled down by blackbirds and wood pigeons looking for bits that have been dropped. Also by big furry paws - our dog cannot tell a flower bed from a nice well-cut lawn!
I can never decide whether I prefer the white and purple striped ones........
.........or the big purple ones. So I make sure I have both.
Gardening-wise, I have done a bit of pruning, rescued some daffodils in danger of being dug up/trampled on as Mr.G did a bit of gardening work, and studied the bulbs in pots and troughs. Which are rather slow coming up. However, the daffodils I planted on Boxing Day are coming up nicely, though the 40 free ones Mr.G brought home from the Garden Centre, and which got planted at the right time, are rather dilatory in appearing!
I have some beautiful flowers indoors, which my daughter brought me for Mothering Sunday (I much prefer the old, and correct name, rather than Mother's Day!!) plus some daffodils from Church. The children, rather over enthusiastically sometimes, make sure every woman in the church has a bunch to take home. No enquiries made as to motherhood status! Which is really as it should be, I think. Nothing is more embarrassing for a single woman, apart from teenagers maybe, to have to stand whilst all around her clutch flowers!
I will be glad to get home this afternoon to enjoy my flowers - I have a dental appointment to look forward to first!
Spring will soon be here - and Easter as well! Then surely the year will turn the corner into some sun and warmth?
Ha, spoke too soon. We have several inches of snow here and while I may have been cracking on with my garden too, its now invisible. Hope you manage to avoid the white stuff.
Oh your post wakens my weary soul!
So have you not had the snow then? The Crocus are such a special little flower I think xxxx
I love crocus. For some odd reason, mine didn't come up this year, but my daffodils are outdoing themselves!
Love crocuses! I have a few, but they don't really like the warmth of southern California. I have a whole mess of snowflakes (Leucojum)in bloom right now!
I love crocuses. They remind me of my nana. I remember her standing on her tip-toes, looking over the kitchen sink out the window and exclaiming to my grandfather, "Harry! Look! My crocuses are coming up!" She was so excited! Now they always make me think of her and spring.
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