Carmi's Thematic Challenge this week is Yellow. Above is the locked gate to the children's playground whilst it was being renovated this summer. Caused many a tear until it opened again!

And this is the stunning colour of the Witch Hazel bush the other side of the Park, photographed this week. I hope the leaves stay on for a bit, as it really is lovely.
There is a lot of yellow and orange on the trees at the moment, but nothing quite as yellow as the Witch Hazel!
I made a comment yesterday that this week has looked very orange and yellow - really bright too! I left you a comment on your previous post this morning too. xxxxxx
great picture...i kind of like the gate, sorry for the children though
metal and leaves....always good :)
I've never seen witch hazel except in a bottle! Thanks!
Loved the locked gate, even before I read the description. It made me wonder: What's it closing off? Locking in or locking out? Why? How long? And then, my questions were answered.
Nothing like being "chained by yellow" and left hanging around until spring arrives again! Nice photos!
Really nice bright yellows great pics
I've never seen a witch hazel tree; it must be lovely with all that yellow foliage.
I love how the color in both cases just pops. It's one of the things I love about yellow. In just the right shade, it can make you feel something. That's definitely the case here!
A locked playground...that would be enough to make my kids cry, too. They take their playtime very seriously :)
Yellow is my favorite color. It's a happy color. My whole kitchen is yellow.
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