The pansies I planted last autumn suffered all the snow and ice in the winter, but are blooming madly now!
There is one stray pink tulip that seems to have come from nowhere in a large pot of tulips I left in from last year. Its very pretty, and taller and earlier than the other tulkps, which aren't doing very well anyway!
I don't know what the name of these flowers is, but I call them Star Flowers. They come up every year in the little channel along the top of our patio wall.
Again, these tulips come up every year, can't remember when I planted them, but they both appear in May. They are such a lovely deep red.
I love the young leaves of my hosta. Its been in that pot for ages, but still appears. I try to keep the slugs off, but don't usually succeed!
The Decentra against the grey wall always looks lovely. It comes out early, and looks so delicate. Later on, when it dies away, a rampant geranium takes over there!

The Pieris has been growing in a big tub in the corner of our patio for a long time. I love the new red leaves against the white flowers.
And lastly, I love the smell of new mown grass! Mr. G wields a mean mower over our lawns, and probably doesn't appreciate the smell! But it is rather good!
Sorry I can't show you any more - nothing much is out yet. Hopefully high summer will bring a completely new look to the garden!
Your "Bleeding Heart" is way in front of mine - it must be sub tropical over your side of the Peninnes. xxx
How pretty your garden must be Gilly. You have lots of my favourites it seems, the "Bleeding Heart" amongst them. A
Beautiful!! And just three months ago we were up to our schnutzes in snow!
Well, of course these things give you pleasure. They are delightful. I am not familar with your star flowers and found them charming. I think the early flowers and new sprouts are especially thrilling to our winter tired eyes. The lushness of summer then has it's own wonderful fullfillment in it's own time.
All of your flowers are lovely. I also love the smell of freshly mown grass.
How lovely I so look forward to the smell and sight of fresh flowers the colors the smells so beautiful...
Dorothy from grammology
They gave me pleasure too, Gilly, and I also love the smell of new-mown grass.
Lovely views of your garden Gilly. Flowers give so much pleasure - and the sun is shining too, an added bonus. Bye for now, Lesley
Lovely photos Gilly. My tulips are blooming right now and i've planted some pansies.... i love this time of year watching all the perennials return from hibernation. I too have bleeding hearts..... they look very healthy and lush right now, but won't bloom for another couple of weeks despite the fact that we've had the most glorious weather. Yesterday, sundresses and shorts weather! Amazing for this part of the world.
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