The blossom in the Park is really beautiful at this time of the year. Cherry blossom against the blue sky is one of my favourite Spring icons, the pink-blossomed trees form a tunnel over one of the main paths (some sort of prunus I think, the horse chestnut trees are in bloom, and the bright leaves of the two little maple trees are as colourful as any flowers!
I know Mallards are very ordinary ducks, but the colours on the heads of the drakes are gorgeous when the sun shines.
I managed a longer walk this morning, and this is the view down the lake from what I think of as "the other end".
The Chain-saw sculptor has been busy again. The owl still stands sentinel over the gates......
........ but the kingfisher has been joined by a heron......
......like this.
There is another heron in the childrens' playground, which I think, as herons go, is much better. This one is not at the top of a tree trunk, but stands about 3 or 4 feet high, with four mosaic plates around him.
He is a rather nice heron......
.......and has been provided with some fish to eat!!
The rumour of a frog appearing turned out to be true, though I don't like it much, rather a fat and ugly frog! It was very difficult to take a photo of it as the tree was on a sloping bit of ground, and I was against the sun. He is in the same area as the Kingfisher and big Heron, between the lake and the skateboard park!
I like our Park, and just hope you won't get too fed up with pictures of it. Mr. G and I really must get out more, but it has been rather COLD just lately.......!
Spring has sprung, I can't believe how relieved I am. Thank Heavens, winter is all over bar the shouting.
Did you hear there's frost tonight and tomorrow night?
I love your park and enjoy viewing the photos.
Perhaps that frog needs to be kissed by a princess!
It's been chilly and extremely windy here yesterday and today. Yesterday, however the temp reached the mid 70s. Today, though it's only in the low 60s and although sunny, uncomfortable to be just sitting outdoors.
Gilly, I love to see your park and the different things you see in it. Your header photo with the "wiggly water" is beautiful! Glad you got a longer walk today, and that the sun was out.
I always enjoy a walk with you through your park. And the addition of wood carvings adds a bit of whimsey and unique character to your extended backyard. I expect you and your neighbors will be naming all of the new critters soon enough.
Ah, how nice and springy it looks. I love the sculptures. It's impossible to imagine sculpting with a chainsaw!
Glad you got out for a walk.
Oh what a beautiful park you have there Gilly. I love the sculptures and the heron in the childrens playground is my favourite too.
It really is a beautiful park, Gilly, and I would never tire of seeing it.
How nice, Gilly. Spring at last, do you think? I love the kingfisher and pelican.
I have a great fondness for our British Parks - especially when they have unique features in like yours has. No I wont get fed up of seeing it. xxxx
Gilly, your pictures are beautiful. I love the chainsaw sculptures. Wish I had a park like that to visit.
The trees are so beautiful. Everything is blooming here too. That heron looks like an old man watching over the children.
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