Friday 8 January 2010

I'm tired of a white world!

I don't know about you, but snow has lost its appeal for me! So I've dug around in my archives (that's sounds good, doesn't it, like having a dusty cellar full of mysterious objects!) and found photos of things I've liked, places I've enjoyed and just things I fancied photographing!

The first one could loosely be called "Things that go round and round"

And the second is just images I liked. And yes, that is me and my sister many moons ago, having a camp fire in the garden. Sis is very fed up because I monopolised the whole thing, being bigger and cleverer than her!!

Keep warm, and keep cheerful!


Hollace said...

Good morning, Gilly!
That is so much fun, to have a mosaic of "things that go round and round". It would make a good riddle, to show kids picture mosaics and ask what they have in common.

Today our forecast is for freezing rain, which is nasty. I much prefer the snow. I would love to have a couple of extra days inside--but I know you are ready to get out and about.

Be careful; there may still be some slippery spots. Holly

KathyA said...

Your collages are so creative! We had snow again last night. The high today is 26 degrees; tomorrow and Sunday are to be about the same. Can't even take the baby for a walk!! :(

kenju said...

Your photos show a real talent, Gilly, and the one of you and your sister is precious. I always hated being an only child.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Your photos are a welcome change to all the images of snow we are getting at the moment Gilly. I am still enjoying it though and have been out for a bit of a trudge each day - so far ... Ax

Diane said...

Hi Gilly. I too have some great photos of me and my younger sister which perfectly illustrate that older sisters rule!! Whenever we get them out, I can still see her anger and resentment and she's 46 now!! I think she is mentally scarred!! Love your archives - thanks for letting us take a

cheshire wife said...

Thank you for showing us of times when the world was not white. You certainly have an interesting archive of photographs.

Cloudhands said...

I always enjoy your collages and right now anything other than snow is a treat. We are covered up in snow and I think no matter how pretty it is, it makes a better memory than than a reality after a few weeks. Snow remembered in August seems refreshing rather than slushy.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Your collages are really good. Our snow has been gone for some time, but it is so cold. I think we all need some nice weather for a change.

Jennyff said...

Such a good idea to show some none snow pictures. we are into our fourth week of white world and it is becoming tedious. Bring on spring.

Glennis said...

Hi, Gilly. Sorry you are having monotonous snow fever. I don't mean to rub it in, but today in L.A. it was 78 degrees Fahrenheit, and we went on a hike in the mountains - pictures and posts up soon, and I hope they will provide some relief.

awareness said...

Hi Gilly...I want to learn how to make those collages online. They are so interesting.
As for the snow? Well...............
Its here to stay in my neck of the woods until the end of March at least. We've got a long haul ahead of us. I'm fine with it up until mid February and then I go a little squirrely about it. However, it a bit different than in the UK. We have the equipment for road and sidewalk clearance etc that allows for everyone to carry on and not to feel enclosed. Though the colour becomes monotonous, especially in between snowfalls, most people still delight in the beauty of new fallen snow when it does come.