Saturday, 16 May 2009

Windows, doors and steps

I have always loved steps, plus doorways and windows.

I love the idea that if I go up, or in, or look through, there will be something different, exciting, even strange.

This was taken at Limone, on Lake Garda, in Italy. What was at the top? Who knows, it was obviously private.

This was a long flight of steps in Mahon, the capital of Menora. All very Spanish!

And again, the architecture of the windows and doors is absolutely wonderful!

As is this!

And this!

An Archway into another street at Cartmel, in the Lake District. I had to go through, of course! And we had lunch at the pub just through on the right!

This last is the spiral staircase in the Henry Bloggs Museum in Cromer, Norfolk (UK of course)

I suppose its much the same as always wanting to see what is round the next corner. I would hate to miss something, just because I stopped short of it!


sojourner said...

nice photos....i wish i could travel....maybe some day....i'd like to go to Italy

much2ponder said...

Hi Gilly! Love the pictures and your view of things. I too like windows, doors and archways, hadn’t thought much about steps, but I suppose I like those too.
like what you say here...

"I I would hate to miss something, just because I stopped short of it!"

Me either!

Diane said...

I know what you mean - I am a bit of a nosey mare and love peeping through windows. The Italian Lakes are on my list of places to visit. They look so beautiful and Romantic.

Gilly said...

Sojourner - Italy is really lovely, and very civilised, at least in the north.

M2P Yes, the thought ofmissing something......... :(

Diane The Italian Lakes are romantic - only try to go early or late in the season, as the roads get very crowded, being narrow and winding!

Angela said...

Oh I had completely forgotten the Henry Bloggs Museum - what a brave man he was on his lifeboat. Thanks for the reminder of my happy Norfolk childhood
blessings xx

Connie said...

Loved this post - the pictures are intriguing. Would love to see all those places! You left me with much curiosity as to what is around the corner!

Diane said...

Hi Gilly, Are you sure you want to know what we do with the slugs? Well, we sccop them up into a compostable plastic bag (available in Asda on Sainsbury's, the type that I use in my kitchen compost container) pop in a few leaves so that they are happy enough until I tie the top so that they die!! I then throw them into my compost bin so that they at least serve some useful purpose on earth! I know - I'm evil aren't I. Its better than salt though.

theMuddledMarketPlace said...

" I would hate to miss something, just because I stopped short of it!"

that'll keep me going all weekend!

kenju said...

Nice pix, Gilly. When we were in Italy, I saw many staircases that I wanted so badly to climb and find out what was up there!

VioletSky said...

Great post, Gilly. And lovely photos.
I always have to wander up and through and around ... and feel somehow cheated if the view from the other side is of nothing.

Anonymous said...

Great pics Gilly...I'm like you...I love to go through doorways, gates and winding exciting to try to guess what's coming next! :)

Hollace said...

I love windows and doors, too. One of the best things in Tunisia was their wonderful colored doors.
I have old windows hanging out on my fence just because I like them...

Marja said...

Hi Gilly hope you are doing fine.
I see you have been to some beautiful places. Where else can you find the best steps and doors You do have a good eye for detail. I absolutely love the big doors in spain

Glennis said...

What wonderful photos. The first one is particularly striking....!

Diane said...

Hi Gilly, I would have agreed with your hubby about Rick Stein at one point, but then he ran off with some young Australian Bimbo leaving his lovely wife distraught - so he's at the bottom of the pile for me these days (his cooking is ok though). I do like the TV chefs for the inspiration I get from them, but they are all a bit full of themselves. I feel like you could depend on Delia, and I always think that Nigella looks like fun. I like the program where Jamie Oliver cooks from his house and garden - Ive done lots of the things he has cooked on there, but I hated his Ministry of Food.

Gilly said...

Diane - I didn't know that about Rick Stein! Hmmm! Down he goes for me too!

And thank you everyone who has commented on my pics! I am always looking out for interesting and mysterious doors and windows!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Lovely photos and those of the steps are very inviting. A x

Lucy said...

Lovely images! Windows, doors and steps are all different ways of framing the world, I reckon.

Gilly, you've had some great travel adventures. I've been to Italy (loved it) and Spain (loved it too) but, can you believe, only to England (London, at that) for 3 days? Think of all the doorways I've missed...

Lovely post, full of hope.

Lucy said...
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awareness said...

I have fallen in love with you first photo here....traces of so many who have walked those steps.

All are beautiful....