For the sake of my long-suffering readers, if any of you have managed to stay with me, I have made collages of the views of the Islands we didn't get to, plus a couple more of windy husband and (strange) woman, and the St. Mary's Pilot boat from the Scilly Isles.

However, we did land at Cobh, in the Republic of Ireland. This was a lovely little town, and although most passengers took the (very expensive) coach tours to Cork and beyond (including the Blarney Stone!) we decided to stay in Cobh. We wandered along the waterfront, took photos, had something to eat (a HUGE sandwich, side salad and cups of tea) took more photos and then went to the Heritage Centre.
Cobh seems to be built on the side of a vertical cliff, and as all the houses are painted different colours, it looked very pretty. The big transatlantic liners used to call here, and it was the last port of call for the Titanic on its fateful voyage. It was also the port of embarkation for the Irish emigrants to the USA and Australia. The Heritage Centre had a wonderful sound and vision display of the horrors of some of the ships crossing the Atlantic in the early days.
We had several euros to get rid of, so we went into the Heritage Centre Shop. Most things there were either related to the Titanic, or covered in shamrocks! But I did get a Titanic mousemat for my computer, plus new oven gloves with shamrocks on!
The next day we arrived in Liverpool, to a typical rainy day, and so ended our first taste of cruising. Rather disappointing in that we only landed three times out of a promised 7, and one of those was a substitution (though a very fine one - Bruges) There was a near mutiny on board at all the changes and difficulties and I rather think there were some angry letters written to the Cruise Company.
But despite that, I enjoyed my first taste of crusing - I liked being on board ship, sailing the seas, and not having to cook, clean or wash up!!
I don't know how I would have felt about all the changes. Probably I would not mind, as long as they made good substitutions. Mr. kenju would have been mad and writing letters! He can't handle change nowadays.
Enjoyed seeing the photos, Gilly. I've only been on one cruise, but I enjoyed it.
What a shame - Guernsey is so lovely - one of my favourite holiday destinations. Your photos are really lovely Gilly. xxx
Cobh looks fascinating ...and i love your "postcards"
Oh Gilly what a wonderful trip I love boat trips although I get easily seasick The coloured houses are absolutely gorgeous.
In spite of the changes and difficulties, it seems you still had a nice cruise. Will you try another?
Our cruise contract is clear in that the destinations can change as fitting the weather. And we all know how unpredictable and uncontrollable weather is! We went through 18 hours of 15' seas and 50-60 sustained gale force winds getting home. I still can't walk straight!
I've never been on a cruise, so I don't know what I would have missed. Although I don't think I care about tropical cruises, I think I'd love to do an Alaskan cruise. Perhaps in your part of the world, a cruise of the northern sea is a similar idea.
Too bad the weather didn't cooperate.
You got some great photos.
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