Friday 13 August 2010


Carmi's Challenge this week is BLUE.

I chose this picture I took last Spring of Grape Hycacinths (muscari) as they are one of my favourite flowers. The blue really sings and they cheer up the days of Spring that are a bit wet and dark! I have them in a small bed in a very small wall along the edge of my patio, and they have spread right along. I have planted some in other parts of the garden, but they never do so well as they do in the wall. In fact, some just turned up their toes and died!

I know they make a bit of a mess when they have finished, but by that time the daffodils are out and Spring has got going a bit more!

And if you are thinking I ought to get out more and tell you something interesting, well, I struggled into town a couple of days ago, trying desperately to find some trousers that actually fitted, and after I had got undressed, tried some on, got dressed again, found more, got undressed, tried them on......... well, you get the picture!

Shopping online is a Good Thing.

And yes, I did finally find some trousers!


CorvusCorax12 said...

what a beautiful flower

KathyA said...

I love muscari too -- but you've managed the capture the real and intricate of of them in this photo.

I hate trying things on!!

kenju said...

They are one of my favorites. Mine didn't come up this year. They had foliage, but no blooms. I was sad.

Peg said...

Gorgeous shot of the grape hyacinth. I'm guessing that this is a bluer variety than the "normal" ones we have here that are much more purple.

Glennis said...

Oh, what a nice photo! I love muscari, they smell just like grape candy.

Diane said...

Fabulous shade of Blue Gilly. My Agapanthus is out now and it is a similar shade. xxx

theMuddledMarketPlace said...

loving the truth of a colour singing... said...

Hey I really like this ...

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Beautiful :)

awareness said...

I love these flowers and the arrival of them in my garden Gilly.... such beauty and hope. Beautiful picture. They look edible!

ps. Trousers are overrated. ;)