I have to be rather careful where I put my feet these days - I can easily trip over the least little thing! Many of our pavements are still the old york stone slabs used whenever they made the roads a bit better than muddy tracks. And the York stone gets horribly slippery in wet weather. So I was looking carefully when I saw this lovely old manhole cover. It must have led to the coal store in the cellar, but there is a new Bank there now, and nothing remains, at least on the outside, of the original building. I wonder, if it was a self-locking cover, how the coal man delivered his fuel there? Or maybe it was the job of a harrassed little maid to make sure it was open for him? I shall look out for other interesting ground-level items now. After all, its always the little things that trip us up!
And I felt rather sorry for the lost elastic band there!