I'm reading a great book, "The Language of God" which is by Francis Collins. Dr Collins was the scientist reasponsible for the Human Genome project, and is not only a brilliant scientist, but also has a deep Christian faith. His book is helping me work through the problems I have had regarding God, the Bible and the Cosmos (to put it in a nutshell!) I am only one third the way through and am so looking forward to reading the redst of it.
I think a lot of non-Christians think Christianity is totally irrelevant to today's life, in the same way many regard Muslims as terrorists. Neither of course is true. The way some Christians present Christianity in regard to scientific fact is irrelevant (although the basic message of the Gospels is always true, whatever age, culture or time we are in) and some Islamists are terrorists, though very few. They, of course, are the ones we hear about.
So I am enjoying this book immensely, and doing something I usually abhor - unlerlining and making notes in the margins! Still, its my book, and I can do what I like!!
Thought the daffocils looked cheerful!
Very glad you have found something to challenge and interest you. Your mighty brain is far superior to mine and I look forward to the idiots' abridged version soon :-)
another person who sometimes underlines their books are you?!
and the daffs do look cheerful, thank you
Your book sounds interesting - your photo is beautiful. A
Dear Gilly,
Thank you so much for your help. I shall take the plunge! I have changed the look of my blog several times, but have never managed to be able to find a way to put my own photo as the header. I shall choose a template with a wider header, and have a play. Just don't want to lose everything!
The daffodils around here are all just about to open their buds - it is a quite spectacular display when they are all in flower at the same time. Glorious weather at the moment, I shall have to forego the house cleaning tomorrow, and spend the day in the garden. What a chore! Helen x
Sounds like a good book to consider Gilly. Maybe when I am finished with John O'Donohue, I will give this book a read. Thank you for sharing.
The daffodils do look cheerful!. I am glad that you are not reading a library book.
The daffodils are a delight!
You asked about Tyvek - it's a synthetic material with many uses (google gives lots). When heated under paper with an iron, or with a heat gun it shrinks and bubbles to give interesting textures. It can be cut,painted,and stitched before or after heating. Connie.
i underline and make notes in margins all the time - because that is the way God speaks to me through life :0)
I love the pictures - do you take them all yourself?
Gilly, i'm so glad you found that particular book. I was trying to remember the author and title to pass onto you because it seemed so perfect given where you are right now in your wondering and thinking but couldn't for the life of me remember! I heard him in an interview a year ago on the CBC and was quite intrigued. Now, I will have to get my hands on the book and give it a read.
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