We went to our local garden centre yesterday. I didn't buy anything, we really just wanted to see what alterations were being made now it has changed hands. But this display of plants took my eye - the labels look more enticing than the plants! As far as I am concerned, plants often fail to reach the display the labels promise. Sometimes they just die on me.
But life is like that! What we are urged to buy promises far more than is actually delivered! Especiallty if, like me, you have to do a lot of mail order shopping. It turns out to be smaller, tackier, or simply doesn't work. But I find the big stores, like Marks and Spencer, do deliver what they show.
Its a good thing God always delivers what he promises, though!
How true that is Gilly and with all these try it for 30 days for free gimmicks, it is just crazy! You get the product, just pay shipping and handling and if you don't like it send it back, again you pay shipping and handling or if you decide you like the product they will take the low $87.50 per month from your credit card and all you need to do is click this little button saying you agree to the terms and conditions. yada yada yada...i wonder how many people actually go through with it only to be disappointed and now they need to cancel the monthly order and spend money to ship the product back. It's all a scam.
I have similar problems with some plants too Gilly. They always look so beautiful in the garden centres and then I get my fingers on them! And yes, life can be disappointing at times - depends what we are expecting from it I suppose. A x
Alas I fear I have been contributing to the disappointment of empty promises ever since that IOU at Christmas... HOWEVER, all things come to she who waits... all will be revealed tomorrow!
PS Don't look on Flickr before you come. Just don't, ok? :-)
I know just what you mean...especially the seed catalogues, full of stunning fruit and veg! Lol! It's as you say though...God always delivers what He promises...Amen! :)
I find it miraculous that plants grow at all, so I am always just a little surprised when plants come close to living up to the pictures.
And I'm happy to have a "dream garden" in my head, where everything is beautiful and productive. Something closer to the fulfillment of a promise by God. Sometimes I just appropriate the nursery's displays as a "dream garden". A lot less work than trying to grow one yourself.
As for mail order sources, I think it's nice to look for one which allows customer reviews. Gives you an idea how people who have looked over and tried a product feel about its usefulness.
I agree with you about plants that do not live up to expectations and as for mail order. I have told myself several times that I will not buy anything mail order again after being disappointed but yet again I get tempted and set myself up to be disappointed. Will I ever learn?
How true...my longest success is with a prayer plant I bought from M and S as a student 21 years ago and still going strong :)
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