A simple arrangement of flowers by a mirror looked fantastic.
To say nothing of a Samovar found in an Antique Shop! (It is a samovar, isn't it?)
We all had a lovely Sunday together, and it made me realise yet again, how valuable family relationships are. Edges might rub together and cause friction, but in the end its family that counts.
I felt very much for my sister, who lost her son last September, and for his wife and two little girls who lost a husband and father. Not all Mother's Days were happy ones.
I hope you all had happy ones, though. Oh, and I got a pot of lovely daffodils too!
Your daughter seems to have a special eye for beauty and proportion. Glad you had a meaningful day.
Your daughter has a flair for arranging her beautiful things. Good to know you had a happy day on Mothering Sunday. I visited my daughter too and had a lovely day. A x
Our Mother's Day isn't until May - better chance for nice weather!
Anyway, I especially love your daughter's samovar with that print.
I think your daughter has a gift! Although we won't have our mother's day until May I like the thought of have two thank you very much!
So another one who prefers Mothering Sunday?
My own mother would agree with you!
I keep thinking that when I have cleaned and dusted I will apend time arranging things nicely - your daughter certainly has a good eye for arranging... didn't I read once that you arrange flowers too?
Mothering Sunday was different this year but turned out better than anticipated :)
Am pleased your was good, Katie, x
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