Kenju, over in her blog Imgine mentioned the scent of her begonia bush. I don't have scented begonias, but I do have honeysuckle, and Mock Orange (which is often called Syringa, but isn't!) and two or three roses that smell gorgeous!
In the evening, it is a real pleasure to walk through the Honeysuckle arch, and past the Mock Orange, you are just assaulted by these wonderful perfumes. The roses are on another arch, and I have to get right down and bury my nose in them to smell their perfume - well worth it!
I think this might be my last post for a few days, as I have just been called in, by telephone, to have a cataract removed on Tuesday. Please think of me - I'm a bit nervous about it all!
Have a lovely weekend, everybody!
My Dad has his done last year and now he can see brilliantly - some people even dare go with him in the car when he is driving now!!! I'll be thinking of you. Lots of love. xxx
Thanks for the mention, Gilly. It was my gardenia - not begonia - but it doesn't matter.
Good luck with your cataract surgery!!
Pave the way for me Gilly. I will be needing the same surgery one day soon. Your flowers are lovely, I did a Mushroom collage with you in mind yesterday. I had forgotten about Mock Orange. When I was young we had a bush outside my bedroom window and it was delightful to have breezes bring the scent into the room during open window season. I need to get one for now.
God Bless you as you recover and see clearly once again.
I absolutely love the scent of Mock Orange.
Good luck with the surgery. Hopefully a whole new vista will open up for you!
Kenju - I know you said Gardenia. I wrote 'gardenia' down on a piece of paper in case I got it wrong. Oh heck!! Senior moments are far too frequent nowadays!
Thank you Diane, Violet Sky and Cloudhands - I know its a very common thing to have done, and I know its a good thing to have done. I'm still nervous!! :{
Just "found" you and now will maybe miss you for a few days. The procedure has gotten more and more refined....You should do great - and come out of it better than ever!
I enjoy the variety in your blog - great photos and skillful use of words!
I look forward to more in the future!
You are in my prayers Gilly. But if friends in the church here are anything to go by, the op will make a WONDERFUL difference for you.
We look forward to your post-op-posts !!!
Gilly, I would love to see your garden. I love the aroma of mock orange....
Mine has been altered quite a bit this summer because I lost a few bushes and perennials from winter kill this year. I've planted a whole host of new perennials. The recent rains have done a great deal to make them grow lush. Today, many of them are beginning to bloom! I didn't expect that until next year. I have a beautiful purple "jacob's ladder" blooming and it smells divine.
One of the flowers that grows prolifically in the Canadian Maritimes is the wild rose, and they are blooming everywhere...in hedges along the streets and in big gardens. I love the scent. They look so beautiful surrounded by the lupins which grow wild everywhere right now.
I hope your surgery goes off without any glitches. I'll be thinking of you. xx
Wish you all the best with your surgery and bless you
Your flowers are gorgeous
You're absolutely on my Mon/Tuesday prayer list. Isaiah 41:10 in the Bible is a promise you might want to read and believe for your surgery.
What do you mean? "Blow" your computer? That is the first I've heard of this happening.....I'm sorry.
Love the smells of flowers in the garden, a real treat :)
Good luck for Tuesday, I will be thinking of you.
Rob had a cataract op last year and it was far less traumatic than he had anticipated.
Saying prayers and sending love
Try not to be too nervous Gilly - my mum has had both eyes done and said she didn't feel a thing. Good luck with it. Beautiful roses and honeysuckle.
A x
Gilly, all the very best for the op, I'm sure it will all go really well.
I love honeysuckle too and could stand and inhale our one for ages! :)
Beautiful photos. Good Luck with the surgery. I am sure that it will be worth it.
I don't think I've ever grown scented begonias. Begonias, yes, but scented? Worth looking into.
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