I've seen this doorway dozens of times, and have at last remembered to take my camera with me! Its opposite the Library (which is the old Barclays Bank building, and therefore not all that old) and it must have once been the front door to a very grand house. But now it is locked, bolted and barred, paint peeling, cobwebs rampant. The building has been changed round at what is now the front and is used by a recruitment agency. Once the little lane it faces was an old thoroughfare, leading down the hill. But now, just a few old cottages further down - (all done up and costing a bomb!) are all that remains. And this front door.
I wonder who lived there? What they were like, was there a family? I must try to find out. So many places and people are forgotten, people who may not have made much of a mark on society, but who were remembered fondly and with love by their family.
But the families have died, scattered, and these lovely people, and the places they lived in have been forgotten, wiped off the map, left to rot.
I'm feeling a bit old this morning!
Vacant buildings, empty yards all affect me that way, or leave me feeling very lonely.
It is a beautiful doorway - so fancy, so much detail - and certainly could tell some stories if it could talk.
Its a really lovely doorway - you got my imagine going with this one. I think there is someway you can find out about the history of houses - you should do that with this one and tell us the story. Poor you feeling old today - what puts you back intouch with your "inner girl"? I went to see "The Osmonds "last year (yes, all of them!!) and I came away feeling 13 years old!!
Interesting how such objects have whole stories to tell. I love doorways as well. I love this one Gilly
Familiar sights must often start the imagination going on "how, what and why". It would be interesting to find out what went on behind that particular door.
You asked about the photo onmy blog Gilly - just right click on it and "save image as" and then you should be able to save it into your photo album. A x
Wonderful old door. I love a good mystery. Hope you can solve this one and share it with us. If not make up a story full of drama and fun. I love to conjure up 'what ifs' about places and things that I come across that seem worthy of a good story. Here's a quote from an American baseball player, Satchel Paige. 'How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?' Love that, instead of 68 I'd be 28 I think.
Good quote, Cloudhands! I think I'd be about 35!
Hi cute, smiley person!
I just stumbled upon your great blog! I love the post about the old, curious house. If you can't find out the facts, make up a story about the house. Who has darkened those doors? What happy children have been launched from that opening? Do it! I'll read it!
I would be trying to replicate the paint colour! But then I am obsessed with paint colours...
now i guess you realised i would love this?!
Old buildings have so many stories to tell. Perhaps you could make up a story for this lovely doorway.
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