I enjoy keeping our rather large patio decorated with flowering tubs and containers. These will grow larger and have more blooms, but at least they are flowering!
This end of the patio is, don't laugh! my raised bed area! Superstore crates (which sort of got left behind some time ago) have been filled with compost and various seeds planted. Courgettes are growing well, radishes ditto - we have eaten some - lettuces and carrots seem to have stopped, but I daresay will get a move on soon. Climbing french beans are about to climb. I hope!
Our garden is rather too big for us, and I can't get down to do anything at ground level, hence pots and "raised" beds. But I hope to wield a long handled fork and get some of the weeds out of the shrub border. Creeping buttercup would happily take over the whole garden, given half a chance!
But weeds are only flowers in the wrong place, and I love the yellow of buttercups, so in places, they stay!
We all need to feel we are planted in the right place before we can flourish, don't we?
When you can't get down to the ground to plant, then it is a blessing to have buttercups flowering naturally for you.
you're amazing! what a beautiful patio i can't wait to see it in full bloom. i so like your thought of weeds being flowers in the wrong place. i've lived as a weed often enough in my life to know what that feels like and am thankful to God that in his eyes i'm still a flower tended by his loving hand.
What a pleasant place to sit and breath deeply and let you eyes and mind wander among the containers. i share your enjoyment of 'weeds'. Bloom where you are planted is wonderful advice. Can you imagine a little flower pulling up roots in order to move 3 or 4 feet into a better location. Gardens would sure be busy places.
off to contemplate your last sentence
( lovely plants....)
wow, lovely beautiful plant.
You make me ashamed that I am growing nothing now. No plants in pots - although I have many pots.
I love your patio Weeds are flowers in the wrong place I like that also love the last sentence. very philosophical
You are so correct! We do need to feel right about things before we bloom and flourish!
You are such a hard worker - may your labor give you much fruit and many veggies to enjoy.
Love your "raised beds". I admire the fact that you keep having a go. Wise words. xx
Your patio is so pretty! What a wonderful place to sit and relax. In my mind, if it blooms and it's pretty it's not a weed, it's a flower.
Lovely Gilly! I have many containers blooming with goodies too. :)
I've been out in the garden all morning thoroughly enjoying myself and the quiet time all on my own. Nice breezes which keep the blackflies at bay.....
I just picked a whole mitt full of buttercups and just put them in a pale green pottery goblet and let them wildly splay out and I love them!
I also pulled together a bouquet of lupins, phlox, painted daisies and irises in a much bigger vase and put them on my mantel. I love this time of year...and love bringing some of the blooms into my home.
I love buttercups Gilly - and they are growing in our garden too. I do try to keep some control over them but they are so pretty. A good idea to have raised beds to help you and I can just imagine how lovely your patio looks when all is in full flower. I sometimes place a container in amongst the shrubs in our garden and change it with the seasons. A x
How right you are about being planted in the right place. The important thing is to enjoy yourself in the fresh air and sunshine and it is a bonus if you can grow something to eat.
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