This photograph was taken in Bruges when we visited there last year on our cruise. It fascinated me - I couldn't work out what the logo was. What are the letters, why the crown, or is it just the logo of Bruges City Council?
Whatever it is, it reminds me of the lovely day we had in that beautiful city - and how hot and hard the pavements were!
The second one is just a very ordinary entry to a coal hole in my own town. Presumably the self-locking device is so that no-one else could steal the coal after it was poured down the hole to the cellar beneath. Or did some overworked little Tweeny have to clear up and lock the iron cover again?
Being not too steady on my feet, I have to look where I am going when I walk. Its amazing what I see that others might miss!
Nice choice for number photos. Your're right, I'm always looking up missing what is down. Thanks, I'll be paying attention to both now.
I love cole holes there are so many lovely designs. I am old enough to remember the coal being emptied down them. I don't see many coal men now, I think they are probably a thing of the past, health and safety possibly stops them carry the coal on their backs like they used to.
Love the hole-cover theme! Nice pictures, and if you ever do find the meaning of the symbols on the first one, please let us know.
Very interesting photos, Gilly. I try to look both down and up! It's difficult sometimes to do that and still maintain balance, isn't it?
Both really fascinating - over this side of the Peninnes we call it a " coil oil"!! xxxx
I know a French blogger who photographs hundreds of similar "circles". I think they are fascinating!
See what you mean Gilly, both covers are really interesting. x
I love the coal hole. It's pretty! We don't have them here that I know of. If we did, I think people would be stealing them and hanging them up or making tables out of them or something.
i could easily become like that french blogger who captures these.....
what a lovely cover! I have a photo of the water street covers in New Orleans with crescent moons and stars - must think of a good reason to post them!
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