The days here have mostly been grey. We've had the odd sunny day, when its been a pleasure to tidy up a bit of the garden, or take the dog out, but apart from that the cloud cover seems like a heavy grey duvet over me.
Not the sort of weather I like for photography! And I haven't been very inspired lately. So I have made a collage of some of the black and white photography I've don in the past. They are mostly close-ups - I think black and white photography is best like that.
But there are signs of Spring showing. There are early crocuses in the Park, pretty little creamy yellow ones and pale mauve ones. I'm rather surprised they have come up at all as they were well trodden and sledged on in the snow! The daffodils are well up, and in our garden have buds showing. The shrubs are tentatively putting our little green bits, so I hope we don't get any more hard frosts!
We have loads of birds, too. Siskins are here until they migrate further north to breed, as are Redpoll. There are lots of Blue Tits, two Great Tits and two Coal Tits. Thrushes are singing and the aggressive blackbirds refuse to allow any others into the garden!
Spring is definitely on the way!
Your collage is beautiful. Hold on, spring is just around the corner.
Ahhh, be patient. It is coming, I know...a few days ago I did a blog on Signs of spring and highlighted the photos of our signs of spring. They are definitley here in NC and so perhaps on your way to the world...hang in there!
I do love the black and white photo essay.
As I ate breakfast this morning, I watched birds flitting everywhere, gathering up bits and pieces for their nests and teasing one another. It seems they know what's coming!!
Spring and sunnier weather are coming -- we don't have very obvious signs here, but the signs ARE there. :)
i'll hold onto your last sentence!
trif shots btw....
We know its on its way, but the colour is very slow to show! I love your collage. xxxx
Yes, spring is coming and the days are drawing out. Love your black & white mosaic Gilly, it's very powerful. x
I'm all for color,signs of Spring...great post - ever hopeful in crusty, snow covered Maryland. Summer minded, Jennifer stop by and visit some time jennsthreegraces
Grey days here too Gilly - roll on Spring and some sunshine. A
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