My family - my sister and brother-in-law, daughter and son-in-law, two grandsons and one great granddaughter, plus assorted nieces,(two generations) nephews(great) all mean a great deal to me. Plus my husband, of course!
But I am not sure they would like me to display their faces here. So instead I have interpreted "Family" a different way.

Both were taken in the Park, but in different years. The Canada Goose raised the goslings to maturity, despite the intentions of crows and herons, and the young moorhens seem a tough little lot, and the parents have a couple of broods a year. And yes, there are an awful lot of moorhens by the winter!
awww, love the Canadian goose and her family!
Great idea! So sweet!
It always amazes me how chicks survive in the wild. Love this post Gilly. xxx
Oh, I love the goose and her goslings!!!
I have the same dilemma with the theme.
How are you doing in the cold? Our son is in London, and is coming home to Los Angeles in a week or so.
More lovely photos Gilly and a great way to portray 'family'. x
Very clever, comparing the animals to family. Fun.
And pretty snow in your other post Gilly.
How are you feeling?
ahhh that second piccy is great!
Love the mama goose and her brood. I see them around here sometimes.
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