Eyes are tremendously important, and we can't really afford to play around with them! Unfortunately, mine are still giving trouble, and I am having to bathe them tenderly with various eye drops three times a day.
All will eventually settle down, and then I will have lovely new eyes and can get some lovely new spectacles! I will still need them, as my eyes don't work together very well, and I tend to see double wikthout them. And as my new lenses which the surgeon put in are set for distance, I will still need spectacles for reading, and anything nearer than distance.
In the meantime, I can see very nicely in the distance, but when tired tend to see two of everything. I can't read very well, which is driving me insane, but now have bought a cheap pair of reading glasses, which just magnify really, and they help a lot. But they don't make my eyes work together, so when I'm tired I really can't do much at all!!
Thought I'd just give you an update, in case you thought I'd gone off to a desert island, or something!
You need to be listening to lovely music to stop you getting bored. Thanks for the update. xxxxx
...don't I know it! My dad was blind and I have this fear that the same thing will happen to me since he went blind from an infection. Eyesight is so precious so please take care of yours; regardless what it takes...
Hi Gilly, sounds there will be improvement with the passage of time, but it must be very frustrating, especially when your eyes get tired. Best wishes, Lesley
I recognise all those eyes! X
Glad to hear from you as I've been thinking about you and your recovery. Not being able to read MUST be quite trying. Perhaps you could listen to books?
I'm sure that is terribly frustrating for you, Gilly and I hope it all clears up soon.
Share your frustration, Gilly. My mother-in-law had a cataract operation last week and maintains she still can't see at all with the 'new' eye though at least she's had no discomfort. She's totally bored and fed up and we're concerned that if she doesn't get any sight in that eye we shall even greater problems when the other eye is done.
Hope your eyes stabilise soon.
thank you for letting us know and i do hope that your eyes will start behaving a little better very soon
I had my eyes checked Tuesday and I'm awaiting new glasses. It can be frustrating when you can't see well enough to read. Hope your eyes improve quickly.
I hope your eyes get better soon Gilly! That's always been a big fear of mine since I'm a big reader and a writer and as I'm getting older, I'm not seeing as well. I can only imagine how frustrated you must be. Lots of hugs coming to you!
Ouch. Very frustrating, it must be. My mom had a cateract operation and she said when she was all healed, it was miraculous how well she could see. Hope you get better fast.
Ihope the frustration of not seeing well is erased with the coming year. My mother had macular degeneration and I am very fearful of my eyes going the same way.
Put very simply - you must never get tired!
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