When I saw all the little plants standing in rows with their labels sticking up I was reminded of the classrooms at my high school, long, long ago! All our desks were in nice straight rows, and slouching was definitely not allowed!

But these little plants were obviously the teacher's favourites!

Bit of lolling around here, don't you think?

No trouble at all with these stalwarts. Probably the older ones designated prefects, to keep the lower classes in order!
It was great fun at the Garden Centre - they were getting out their Christmas displays, and I was greatly taken with these jolly Santas.

Though I do think its a great shame that Christmas has been taken over by 'Santa' and there is nothing to show that it is a celebration of Jesus' birth. Many children nowadays probably hardly know the lovely Christmas stories. I know the shops want to appeal to all, but does the real meaning of the word 'Christmas' have to be erased altogether?
I like Santa too, but I agree with you about the real meaning of the season. I need to go to my nearby nursery too. I know they will have fabulous Christmas displays.
Love the plants, good specimens for this time of year - wish I had your garden centre around here (though I know I would spend too much!). I also like the traditional Christmas story; trouble is, everywhere is too politically correct these days, afraid of treading on someone's toes.
Here in the US, Christmas displays were up before Halloween! I'm definitely getting into the spirit and the magic, however. And this year, the baby will be aware of all the festivities and decking the halls!
Love your photos!
Oh the santa's are cute. We still have a stall at home and the kids always had a christmas play at school, but I agree the trend has been to much towards Santa
Love your pictures of the perky plants at attention.
I think it's too early for Christmas displays. I'll be tired of Christmas before it ever arrives.
I enjoyed the quick trip out and especially enjoyed your point of view as you saw the student plants all in a row. More than likely they were hopeful of being picked to relocate to a less strict environment, perhaps your flower pots out back.
Christmas does seem to have become an over commercialised orgy of spending.
You know, the shame of it is in Southern California - at least, on LA's westside, we have such a lack of good garden nurseries. When we moved here 12 years ago there were 3 within 8 miles of my house, now they're gone. The next place is over15 miles away, and not a very good one at that.
I love the little tags standing up straight!
What are the large terracotta things? They look like cloches, but they're not glass.
They are rhubarb forcers!
I like everything about Christmas. I think there's plenty of room for Santa. I don't think Jesus would mind. As long as we are loving and giving.
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