We had a bit of sun earlier this week, and I managed to get out in the park with my new camera! As you can see, the dog didn't take too kindly to me stopping and taking photographs!

However, I persevered, and really just took anything, testing it out. The leaves are making lovely patterns on the grass, though I don't think the park maintenance men would agree! They have to come along and blow them all into a big heap, and then put them into a trailer, taking them to wherever leaves are taken to! Council compost heap, I think!

The gull on the railings obligingly stood there while I tested the zoom feature. I did get closer, but he turned his head away!

Wet leaves can make a good picture, but I got tired of the wet, and wet leaves, and so went indoors.

This is a green glass float that I found on the shores of a loch on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Amazingly it hadn't broken and I climbed down to fetch it, and guarded it throughout the rest of our camping holiday. It must have been 47 or 48 years ago that we went there. It was really beautiful, but foul weather!

The basket is one of a pair I bought from the fair trade company, Traidcraft. I originally bought them as wastepaper baskets for Christmas presents, but fell in love with them and kept them. Its bigger brother lives on the half-landing, looking just right in the corner. And yes, it is sitting on the window sill, I needed the light!
Hoping for some better weather so that we can get further afield next time!
Lovely clear photos. It was only a bit of sun. By the time I got out in the garden we had fog again!
Great new camera - will enjoy looking at more of your photo's.
Wonderful photos - enjoy your new camera.
I'm so glad you're enjoying your new camera Gilly. I love seeing photos of the area where you live. The weather here has been unseasonably warm and SUNNY. November is usually so dreary and frosty but today, I wore my SANDALS! Yippee! Blue skies too. Winter will be here soon enough.
Very nice photos, Gilly. I really like the one with the green glass float and the one with the cattails.
Wonderful photos, Gilly! We could do with a little sunshine here right now.
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