Yesterday I remembered to take my camera with me. I've always wondered why Alderly Edge has to put its speed restriction signs on little houses on legs!
And this sign post reassured me that when I was pushed, it was good to know which way to go!!
"The Edge" is actually a big sandstone bluff, from where there is a great view over the surrounding countryside. Mostly only in winter, as intervening trees have grown rather tall. The Edge is interesting, apart from good walks in the woods, as there are prehistoric copper mines there. They were used in the Bronze age, the Romans also mined them, and they were mined for the copper until, I think, the 17th Century. Its fascinating to think how many men have used antler picks, iron picks and modern steel picks to hack away at the valuable ore there. The Edge is a favourite place for families, loads of big sandstone boulders to play on and areas to run around in.
And just for you creative people, there is a little tree-lined lane all for you!
Have a happy Wednesday!
Somewhere for me and the hubby to visit I think - although I am always on "The Edge" one way or another!!!
The speed signs are very curious aren't they? Obviously create by a committee with too much time on their hands. The cliffs sound like a fun place to explore. To the Edge sounds like the title to a mystery story.
Seems like a fun place to me I love little shops and forest A special lane for artists Did you walk the lane
I liked the 'to the edge' photo. Somewhere that I must go, although metaphorically I am often there.
I so enjoy places like Alderley Edge - thank you for sharing. And, I am intrigued by the speed posts on the little houses also.....
I love your photos and observations...I think people must have had great fun thinking up these things when they were involved with planning - getting creative.. or maybe they didn't and I just like to think so..
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