Sunday 20 April 2014


Despite the above there has been quite a lot of colour in the garden and the Park.   Also on roundabouts in town, and in odd little corners.   The Council does try to make the town look beautiful, I will give them that!

In the Park, and around town, the flowers that have done best this rather wet winter have been the polyanthus.   They have really sung out from the beds, and make such a cheerful show just when we need it!    The pansies have not down so well, though last year they were splendid.

However, in my own garden the little Violas have done splendidly.  I was really doubtful about them, as contrary to what I expected the on-line garden centre from where I ordered them sent me plug plants, which I had never dealt with before, but I planted them, and the finally came through with three troughs of gorgeous colour, which I can see from the kitchen window.   My favourite is the velvety dark purple one.   My photograph doesn't do it justice, I'm afraid!

I think I might have mentioned in the past that I go to a Creative Writing class twice a month.   Its a bit of a laugh really, as we don't get any instruction - its part of the U3A movement, and their theory is that once we get to a certain age (about Retirement age!) then our wisdom and experience can be passed on to others in an informal setting.   In other words, we learn from each other.   I enjoy writing, and each fortnight we have a subject to write on.   Sometimes I do a story, sometimes a poem.   But I do wish those there would give me some feedback, instead of just saying "oh, that's brilliant!" and leaving it at that.   I know I write fairly well, but I would like to write better, and how can I if no-one ever tells me what they really think??

This week's subject was to take one of the verbs we had previously thought of that end with -ate.   I don't think anyone is going to enjoy my poem, as I took "violate", but it relates to women and feminism and so I thought it had to be said.   Next Friday I will honour those there with my brilliance and see how they like my hard-hitting poem.

I can't print it here, I think some of the words might trigger filters!

Sometimes I write "weird" stories, not mystery, or horror, no sex or violence (well maybe a bit of sex!) but just weird.  

I'm thinking of finding a "proper" Creative Writing course in September.   My sister went to one once a week, with a teacher, and she loved it, even if she found some of the subjects hard.   But I think finding a hard subject is good for us - it makes us think around the subject, and sometimes really good writing comes out.   (Not always, though!)

I was asked, well, I offered really, to review a book for one of the quality monthly women's magazines.   I got the copy sent to me last week, and I must say I really enjoyed it.   It was called "The Silence of the Sea" by Yrsa Sigurdardottir.   Yes, she's Icelandic, and the book is set in Iceland mainly, but it has been translated!   Now I have to review it without spoiling the end!   Its described as "chilling" on the blurb at the back, and I have to agree with that - its sent in Iceland in the winter!!

Thank you my faithful followers for your patience in waiting for me to write another blog!


Patricia said...

Nice to see you again Gilly. I agree it's good to have some constructive criticism now and again as it points you in the right direction. As you say if you're not told, then you can't know if you're doing it right. I'd definitely join another group as it sounds like you're raring to go. Good luck.
Patricia x

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

I love your violas too, Gilly - so nice to see this splash of colour.

Definitely think you should go for the course - challenge is important, especially when it's to do with a subject that you're interested in.

Have a good week. Lesley x

Diane said...

I'd love to read some of your writing. I bet you'd really enjoy a new class. xxx