I've had some very lovely tulips in my pots this spring. These red and yellow striped, mixed with plain red, have been very good - wind and rain resistant as well! The stripey ones come out beautifully in the sun. When it shines!
These lovely dark pink ones have so far been very good, but don't seem to want to open. Still, they are rain resistant and also stand up well to the wind. Of which we have had a lot!

However, they were bought as a package called "Raspberry Ripple" (a lovely two colour ice cream if anyone doesn't know!) but someone has put vanilla in instead of the pale pink tulips banded with dark pint that were supposed to be there! Rather disappointing.
I have written to the originators of the tulips, and am hoping for at least my money back. I will let you know!
I won't be posting after this for two or three weeks, as we are away on holiday. On another cruise, this time down to the Canary Islands, via Spain and Portugal. I'm planning on warm sunny weather!
Your tulips are very pretty and I wish I'd planted some now. Enjoy your cruise and have a relaxing time.
Tulips are high up on my list of favourite flowers. (and I am so glad to see you have more than just the usual yellow and red ones!)
Enjoy your cruise! I am off on my first cruise (Med via Italy and Spain) - any advise you have will be gratefully accepted. no rush, I'm not going until mid June)
Oh, yes, those are lovely. I love the way tulip flowers develop, from bud to full-blown. I don't mind the vanilla one - it's like a gift!
We can't grow tulips in my climate unless they are pre-chilled. You can buy them that way, at a price, or you can put them in your own fridge. I've drawn the line at fighting my climate to that extent, when there are so many other bulbs that can handle our mild winters.
Your tulips are lovely. I don't seem to be able to grow them either in the garden, as we have the wrong sort of soil, or in pots.
Enjoy your cruise. I am sure that the weather will be better than here.
Tulips are one of my favorite flowers. I don't know why I've never had any. Those are lovely Gilly.
Have fun on your trip! Sounds wonderful to go to places like that!
Beautiful tulips Gilly - wind and rain proof too, amazing. Glad that you enjoyed 2 weeks of sun on your lovely cruise! Lesley x
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