Looking carefully where I went this afternoon I saw this tiny patch of moss on our stone wall. It had even sent baby outliers from it, presumably to colonise more wall!
And then I looked a few inches further on and there was another sort of moss, with moss "flowers".
It's amazing what you can see if you look down!
And I was very lucky to capture this visitor to my African Marigolds. I'm all for protecting and helping bees, and we never use insecticide in our garden.
Which probably explains why some things get eaten!
Speaking of looking and vision in particular, I was so fed up with not being able to see properly with what were supposed to be new glasses, with the latest prescription, even if the firm I went to had had to remedy a mistake by one of the opticians in the firm, that I took myself off to another firm, of independent, long-established opticians here. (The previous one was a "chain" firm, all rush and grab your money!)
To my total amazement, he said that I had been "over prescribed with prisms" and that I would be far more comfortable with 4 instead of 16, and my lenses would not be so heavy, etc. (For those of you who are lucky enough not to have to wear glasses, the prisms helped my eyes worked together. If I didn't have them, I would see double. As I tend to without glasses)
Well, I got my glasses, and do you know, he is dead right? I am far more comfortable, and can see better with these new ones, which I got yesterday. Not only that, this firm (if you pay to join an Eye Care Plan) will scan my eyes annually, and give me all sorts of other benefits as well. As my eyes are rather difficult, I was glad to pay the reasonable monthly charge and have my eyes looked after. I'm going for the scan on Wednesday.
Great news on the specs. I know you really use your eyes and appreciate what you see. Its so good to get good healthcare, isn't it?
And your camera lens is seeing 20/20! Beautiful
I am happy for you about the glasses. Mr. kenju has some glasses that were never really right and recently, he found out that the lenses had been reversed!! It was too late to evoke the warranty, however.
Do you know - Ive never been happy with my specs from a large chain - I will follow your lead and go to an independent one next time. I love the moss photos. My garden has not done so well this year - No rain!!! xxx
I am so glad you've finally gotten glasses that you can see with. Lovely picture.
Pretty moss and a great picture of the bee with his nose in the marigold. Now you have new specs you will appreciate everything more.
ooooh, that's good news isn't it!
and i love moss....always have :)
Oh, hooray!! That is one thing that frightens me about aging, since my vision has been so bad all my life. I think it's easy for us to get accustomed to poor vision and compensate for it, and then when suddenly it's corrected, it feels like a miracle!
It's time for me to go back to my eye doctor - it's been a year.
Love the moss with the little feelers. Beautiful. And I have a real nostalgic liking for french marigolds.
I am pleased to read that you have got your glasses sorted out. We should be ale to trust opticians not to make those sort of mistakes.
Very nice captured :)
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