When we got back from holiday, the garden had got a bit rampant! So while Mr.G got on with mowing the very long grass, I prowled round with my camera to see what was there.
These yellow lilies actually are always there! I have had them for years, always in the same pot. I tried to repot them once, but couldn't get them out of the original pot, so left them in peace. And they reward me every year with these lovely yellow blooms.
What was a surprise were these lilies. I had bought them as "pinky-orange" but they turned out to be this glorious deep red!
These lilies were another surprise. I bought, for a few pence, some sad-looking lily bulbs that were already sprouting. I planted them and gave them some tender loving care, and they surprised me by producing four stems of flowers, all different colours! Unfortunately they didn't all flower at the same time, but I had one pink, one pale yellow, one orange and one deep yellow with brown spots! Think I'll keep them in the same pot and see what happens next year.

I don't know what this little flower is called, but I call it the Balloon flower, as the buds look like hot air balloons. Its been growing happily in very little soil in a trough at the edge of our patio. I think its roots might have gone down cracks in the wall (of which there are plenty!) and found something to grow in!
I never managed to get to a garden centre before it was too late, and in desperation I went to our local B&Q (a do-it-yourself superstore). They are not known for taking care of their plants, and I found these looking very sad, so I complained to the checkout woman, who promptly looked at them, and sold them to me half price. Again a bit of TLC produced firstly this golden marigold, and then......
.....this lovely dark one. They share a trough with a dark-leaved begonia, the sort that has little dark red flowers, and it all looks great!
And lastly, although I try to get rid of the crocosmia "Lucifer" they are very persistent, and this year have lovely large red blooms. I do have a clump in the "right" place, but perhaps I'll let these stay, as they look so good against the grey stone wall.
Simply... lovely.
Your pictures are great, and so is your garden:)
Best regards from Argentina
How amazing that you could be gone for so long and come back to a garden blooming so well! The flowers are beautiful and bold--I love the lilies especially--and your pictures are great!
I love your little blooms with those rain drops. If I leave my plants for an afternoon they droop and wilt and look so pathetic.
oh i do like your flowers!
round here folk seem to be planting lillies in tubs by their front door
Those are amazing Gilly! My favorite is the one that you bought for a few pence and didn't know if they'd make it and now look at them! See, you never know what's going to grow with some tender loving care!
You certainly seem to have green fingers where lilies are concerned.
You are right about B&Q not looking after plants but a bit of TLC usually does the trick.
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