Carmi's Photographic Challenge this week is LATE.
Wags is, sadly, late. She was our first dog, an absolutely wonderful, affectionate and loyal friend. We had her as a puppy when my neightbour, who was an Avon Representative, told us that one of her customers had 10 puppies that she was sending to the Pet Shop! Apparently her pedigree Springer Spaniel had Got Out at the Wrong Time, meeting the neighbours' pedigree Border Collie, and as a result had 10 puppies to dispose of. Both Anne and I were horrified that the puppies would go to the Pet shop, and she had one, and I chose a very friendly little one.
Needless to say, the puppy was gorgeous, and soon grew into a great dog. She early on decided she belonged to me. I used to take her for very early morning walks in our woods where we lived in the Chilterns, and was never afraid that I would be attacked, accosted or in any danger. Wags was there and I am sure, if I had screamed, would have gone for my attacked! The photo was taken by the Village Pond where we lived in Buckinghamshire.
Sadly, she got a cancerous growth and we lost her when she was 13. I cried for a week.

However, we soon got another dog. Ben was a rescue dog, and we found him curled up in a ginger bundle of sadness. He took a little while to decide we were friends, and then family, and also decided he was Mr.G's dog! We had him a long time, and he was very little trouble. He loved the Park behind us here, well, he loved anywhere really! Whilst Wags had been a herding sort of dog - she would run round and round us in the woods, making sure she had us under control! - Ben was a burrowing dog, and liked nothing more than to dig a very large hole, or, even better, get down a rabbit/fox/badger hole, and try to get into wherever those animals were that he could smell!
We had Ben for 17 years or so, and then vowed we would never have another dog, that we would be free to go on holiday whenever, wherever, as we liked.
BUT, our ex-son-in-law had two dogs, Sam and Max, and when Ex s-i-l decided to go to New York, said the dogs had to be rehomed. Youngest grandson was devastated, so it was decided to ask Granny and Grandad if they would have Max........

Guess what? We now have Max. Max's whole life is dedicated to finding food. Had he been trained properly, he would have made a wonderful sniffer dog. As it is, he will give his love to whoever has the biscuits/sandwiches/snacks. He would sell his soul for bread.
We had a great holiday in Anglesey a few years ago, in a cottage owned by a lovely couple who had 13 cocker spaniels, and who also owned three very large fields. Max was in his element.
But we did go to other bits of Anglesey (which is in Wales, for my US friends) and here he is with Mr.G on the cliff path.
Max, I am glad to say, is anything but Late!
Thanks so much for a lovely, lovely blog. I would love a dog but with 5 cats I think we have enough. As you have mentioned holidays are difficult with animals and thus we never go on holiday, this is more than compensated by the antics and daily amusement we get from them all.
Yes, its sad when they go to doggy or pussy heaven, and we have often stated that we would have no more, but always we give in as our home is not complete without animals.
What a wonderful post Gilly. Dogs certainly do become very much part of a family. xxxxx
Loved this post-lovely that you have loved each dog- with their own different personality and quirky ways !
Beautiful dogs! They each have their own personality and add so much to our lives.
ah, so that's the canine history
I, too, was thinking of posting photos of some of my late "furry children", but I just couldn't.... It makes me sad. Glad to see you love animals, too. :-)
I#m a dog lover although we have not had a dog since we got married (over 50 years ago). My daughter in America has four. I also write about dogs in the village where I live - check out Duncan and Cameron in my blogspot archives.
Thanks for sharing your great pictures and memories of yours.
Such lovely friends forever lasting in our hearts!
What a wonderful tribute. My dog, Boomer, is my shadow and my sanity. Our daily walks in Central Park are far better than any vacation. Thanks for sharing your wonderful companions and loving memories.
Awwww, cute. You never do forget them, do you? We had many pets as I grew up, and there are few that I cannot immediately conjure up.
Awww Gilly, what a great post and it was so comforting hearing of all your lovely family members; aka, the dogs...don't they make our life wonderful?
I enjoyed the photos as well...I know they will have a forever spot in your heart!
Womans' best friend and I can see why!
Thank you for introducing me to the loves of your life!! All sweet -- all loving -- and I'm sure all missed. They do so add so much to our lives, don't they?
Those are three beautiful dogs. I loved reading about each one of them. Max looks like he's part cocker spaniel, doesn't he? And I think you're great for rescuing them Gilly!
They are our constant companions, aren't they?
Our Jack is the third dog in our family - no, wait, really the fourth dog if you count Mr. Lumpy, our beloved loaner dog. After our malamute and Mr. Lumpy died, we went two years without a dog, but there seemed to be a void. Now Jack has filled it.
Max looks like a wonderful dog!
Oh, life without our furbabies would be so empty. Last year I lost one of my babies and I still cry over him. I was his momma so he had eyes for only me. I still have my two scotty terriers and they are getting to be 11 & 12 and have as much fiestyness as when they were pups. Its unconditional love both ways. Thanks for sharing! Marla
Oh Marla, I love Scotties! I'm a big dog person but that's a little dog I love.
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