Although we take the dog out every morning at roughly the same time, it is now 'early morning' as far as the sun is concerned! In order for the first rays to reach us, they have to struggle through a big sycamore tree. One very frostly morning, I loved the way the rays struck the leaves and berries on our Rowan tree.
The Park was really frostly, so much so it looked like snow! But it was a beautiful bright morning so nobody minded! Even so, I thought I had it to myself for quite a time until I met another dog walker. (They are the only people in the park at this hour!)

The frost gave a kick-start to the trees, and they have begun to turn colour. The top left is some sort of Hazel, I am convinced it is a Witch hazel, as in the spring it has little stringy flowers in pale yellow. A big beech has turned a bright orange, and a maple of some sort is yellow. the fir trees at the start of the Pitch and Putt Golf course are just beginning to turn yellow. Later they will go bright orange, and I really love them then, just before they drop all their needles. There is also a sort of inedible crab applie tree - the apples look lovely gainst the sky. They don't seem to be eaten by the birds until right at the end of the winter when presumably they get a lot softer!
The frost has gone now, and it is fairly mild again, but no doubt it will get colder. Trouble is, the mild weather brings rain. I prefer it cold, but bright. I can't do brisk walks now, but I get along OK, and always like to go back to a lovely warm house!
your rowan lloks like ours right now, aren't they beautiful?!
Lovely colours Gilly - you have captured them so well. The frost on the park looks amazing. xxx
Cannot believe how frosted the green is. We've not had a frost, yet. Our temps so far have been very mild.
Beautiful, beautiful fall colors, Gilly!
Lovely photos, Gilly. It was 85* F (quite warm for Oct.) here today, but it is supposed to get more seasonal this weekend.
Lovely to see colours against a blue sky. It's grey and damp here today, so no frost yet.
I love the picture of the bench. I want to sit awhile and enjoy the scenery.
I never knew there was such a thing as a Witch Hazel tree. Or a Rowan tree for that matter. We have a Rowan College. But I don't know of any Rowan trees! Pretty!
Hi Gilly - try and keep up!!! My poor hubby has the same problem with me!!! I'm like a caged animal in my office job - so run wild when I am off!!!!! The area around Litton Mill is amazing - the history and the geography of the place makes it one of the best places in the world for me.xxxxxxxx
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