Carmi's Photographic Challenge this week is Flowers. I am very pleased about that, as I was struggling to find some new photos for a blog!
Both were taken in my garden, the white Shasta Daisies have finished now, but I took the Love-in-a-mist this morning, after a rain shower. Lucky I did, as the shower came back and turned into a downpour!
I haven't had a lot of time for blogging this week, though I've been reading all yours! We are going on holiday a week today - a cruise around the British Isles, so its been a question of "What are we going to wear?" and "What is the weather going to be like?", and more importantly, "What are we supposed to wear on formal nights on the cruise???"
Neither Mr. G nor me are great ones for formal "do's" but I have a pair of trusty black trousers in a sort of vaguely slinky material, that hang well, and I've got a variety of tops that I can float around in. Its Mr.G that is causing a problem as he just doesn't possess a suit (told you we were casual, did I?). But my sister, who is a great "Cruiser" says so long as he looks respectable and wears a tie, all will be well.
Well, we can only hope so!
I'm really looking forward to this cruise, and have bored my family rigid by talking about it for the past 6 months! But it is our Golden Wedding Anniversary in November, so this is our celebration!
I'll bring back lots of photos!