Usually attached to the other end of our dog's lead! He is a little monkey, and runs away from me if I let him off the lead, but is as good as gold with Mr. G!
We have a bandstand, in a rather dilapidated condition, and rather nice flower beds around, with lawns and seats.
The white doves like sitting on top of the bandstand roof, though!
There are more formal bits of the park, and tennis courts, also rather tatty, but due to be renovated this winter in time for next Spring.

There is a little stream, which has been culverted. I have a friend who has lived here all her married life, and she remembers taking her children when small, down to the stream, which had ordinary earth banks, and the children could paddle.

We also have a lovely lake, with lots of ducks and Canada Geese, and sometimes one or two more exotic (for us!) species, like Gooseanders (Loons?) The lake is always interesting to look at, whatever the weather, and in icy weather the ducks look rather forlorn as they slip around on the ice!
The beech trees are lovely in the autumn, and on a fine day the Park is just beautiful.
We also have a largish pitch and put Golf course here, which is well used on summer weekends, but otherwise tends to attract young boys who just bash golf balls around in a wild manner. We have a fine collection of balls
as our garden opens directly onto the Third Tee! In the summer it is advisable to take a quick peek out before sallying forther with an excited dog!
There is a lot more Park, though I don't get to the further reaches now. Mr. G takes the dog round there, and keeps me informed of anything going on! There is a circus once a year, also a fair. And if there is any snow the sledges come out and zip down the hillside. We used to take our grandsons there when they were small, they hadn't brought their sledges, so they borrowed my very large flat meat tins and used those!! They had a whale of a time too!
Its a good place to live. And we are very lucky. I try to remember this when I am feeling down.
Oh how wonderful to have direct access to your park, even if it is the 3rd tee! Though, wouldn't that justify use of a golf cart? Wouldn't that be fun to get around in!
sliding down snow covered hillsides........sigh...
Or you could sit with your back to us with a box over your head!
Thanks you for the lovely tour. You are indeed blessed to live near such a beautiful facility.
Happy memories of the meat-tray winter!
It's very green there, Gilly. I always like that!
A lovely place to stroll and relax Gilly. A x
you are lucky, its a lovely place!!
It does look a great place to live Gilly. xxxxxx
What a wonderful setting for your home. I think I would consider the park as an extention of my backyard. I would feel so prosperous.
Your park looks like the perfect place for walks. You are lucky to have it in your back yard.
I love your excursions and how you take us with you.
those pigeons (doves?) around the crown at the top of that dame look so funny, like ornaments.
Wonderful the dog looking up at the camera.
What a wonderful tour you gave us - you and your dog! They do chose their owner, don't they!
It must be lovely to have all that green space so close without having to worry about the maintenance of it.
Hi dear gilly How are you I see there is a lot going on in that nice park of yours. We had a cockers spaniel when I was young. They are so cute
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