Thought I'd post something nice and cheerful! Having got myself thoroughly wound up over my appointment with the Consultant, it was cancelled at the last moment! Oh well, that is the NHS for you! I do have another appointment fixed, in five weeks time. As I am a naturally cheery person (my daughter might not agree with that!) I shall just have to jog merrily along and wait.
But we are not waiting for Spring any longer, it has burst out with a vengeance here, and everything is either blooming or bursting with life. It really makes me more energised just to see the big fat buds on the trees, even if there is a nasty cold wind whipping round my neck!
Its so easy to see that God is good in times like these. But I have to hang on to the fact he is with us at all times. Sometimes we hang our heads in misery and gloom, and cannot see him.
What does that Psalm say - "Lift up your heads....."
What beautiful pictures - they have brightened my day!
There is something special about blue Spring flowers.
Hope that the five weeeks to the next appointment fly by.
gorgeous photos - and yes spring is definitely here, although he is around even when we can't see him, you are right.. :)
Hope the five weeks soon disappear, waiting is the worst part I think, Happy Easter, am just replying to you if the computer holds out!!
Katie, x
arrgghh computer just crashed again - will try in the morning, sorry, x
Hi, Gilly, thanks for visiting my blog, Doves Today. It was so nice to come to your blog and find lovely pictures of spring flowers! I also loved your poem about walking in the woods and the photo - so poignant!
I am posting about spring flowers here in southern California this weekend - come visit and see if they are like the flowers blooming now in your part of the world!
ah Spring at last, soft and gentle - if very wet, but good for growth. Lovely pics.
Hi Gilly, Thanks for leaving a comment on my new(ish) blog. Pleased to meet you! Yes we have been to Styal Mill if its called Quarry Bank Mill. Its a place we go often as it really is interesting. I love the Apprentice house. The village itself is very sweet too.
We are still longing for spring in our neighborhood. There are tulip shoots poking up, but that is about it. No signs of green on trees as of yet.
Thank you for spending Holy Week with me, sort of. Blessings! And HAPPY EASTER!
Gilly, your post warms me...our spring is very different than yours...still early on and today dipped in snow again. not much and it won't last, but no blossoms on the bushes or trees. the Forsythia is still dormant. So, the beauty of God's work and His presence remains tucked in the most unusual spots rather than out in the gardens and fields....
I will keep my head lifted and watching for His mystery to be revealed.
Happy belated Easter.
Hi Gilly (again) Thanks for the Macclesfield suggestion - no I haven't been. Ive now put it on my list of places to visit. Many thanks
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