Well, its a lovely sunny day, we didn't get any more snow, and what there is is melting! but still thick ice on the lake, and all those cold pink feet made me feel sorry for the ducks! But I liked their reflections in the ice. Sometimes I think I hide the real me inside myself, and others only see my reflections, and sort of incomplete blob!

But the bulbs are bravely pushing up through the snow, and hopefully these crocus I planted in the autum will soon be out. That wall with the tiny channel in it is right by the steps down into the garden, so I can see their progress every time I go out. We have a lot of daffodils too, in our garden, and they are shooting up madly. Don't seem to mind the cold weather. I suppose if you are programmed to grow and flower in the Spring, then that's what you are going to do!
Don't feel very programmed today, an itty bitty day, can't get on with anything. Anyone else feel like that??
Some days it's hard to get settled to anything isn't it? I liked your ducks picture, although now I feel sorry for them too :-(
Keep smiling! At least the sun is out :-)
Gilly, I surfed in from Much 2 Ponder's blog. I've been reading your comments and just wanted to stop in here to tell you that I am praying for you.
The pictures are lovely!
i too have pondered the ducks and geese and their reflections recently....
Programming gone west? oh yes! yesterday didn't really happen till about midday. Sat on the sofa and very slowly thawed into reality.
At least those ducks can stand on the ice without falling throught it.
I am itching to get out into the garden to do some tidying up but it is too cold at the moment.
I love that photo of the ducks...it seems symbolic to me....how sometimes we can't break through the ice to find whats inside.
AND I LONG to see little shoots of growth coming out of my garden. Alas! I will be a long while before that happens. Daffodils are my favourites....
Gilly, I love the reflections of the ducks. I've been all over the place with work etc and know what you mean about it being itty bitty... one of the reasons I haven't made it to catch up with my friends here, of which you are a very special one and I thank you for that...I love your thoughts and photos.
It was the daffodil shoots I first noticed when our snow was melting - spring will arrive... it's on it's way, lets hope there aren't too many hold ups on the way!
"Sometimes I think I hide the real me inside myself, and others only see my reflections, and sort of incomplete blob!"
These are the words that struck me in this post Gilly. I know this feeling all too well. It is almost spring. Praise the Lord. We are coming out of a cold, long winter. I love your eye too. You spoke of the shadows of the ducks on the ice...I wold have totally missed that if not for your words. Bless you my friend. I will come back again soon. Plan on adding you as a blog I follow, hope you don't mind. I enjoy coming here:)
Hello Gilly,
I'm glad you liked the eagles wings verses. My mother-in-law would have been 100 this year. She only died three years ago, and never went into a home - was absolutely determined not too. Of course it doesn't always work out that way, does it, but somehow for her it had to, she was so stubborn! She went into hospital for the last few weeks of her life, after a fall trying to open the window to give a key to the carer. She was a lovely lady, and I learned so much from her, my own mum dying when she was only 46. Love to you, Gilly. Helen x
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