I'm now getting the feeling of Christmas and have started getting the tree out and the decorations up. Such as they are! Now there are only the two of us, we don't bother so much.
But when I was younger, it was quite a ceremony. Out would come the box with the paper chains and paper balls and bells in. Tears would be carefully mended, and the living room ended up with chains all round the edge and across the ceiling! Lovely! I don't know where my parents got the decorations from, they were several years old when we had them, I rather think they were given them by some neighbours. But whatever their origin, Christmas wouldn't have been Christmas without them! Even in the wartime, when we had to keep an ear cocked for the sirens.
Now we have a tree, and the Christmas cards up, and my little Nativity scene, which I love. Especially the llama, who looks rather surprised to be there!

The other nice thing about Christmas is, of course, food! Not if you are trying to lose weight, but there are lots of things we rather plump ladies (!) can eat. So I am looking forward very much to going to my daughter for Christmas Day. She is a wonderful cook, and also makes the rooms and the dinner table look so very decorative. Just like in the magazines, only better!