Its exactly a year since the Man with the Chain Saw started carving birds on the trunks of trees that had been cut down in the Park. I took my camera along as I thought it was amazing how well/badly the carvings had weathered.
The Owl stands at the entrance to the small car park. It is hard now to see that it is an owl. Which is a shame. But it just looks like an old tree trunk!

The heron has not fared well, either. Although you can see it is a heron, he is surrounded by shoots from the tree (which obviously wasn't dead in the first place!) I think it is a horse chestnut, and when the leaves come out, our heron will be invisible! Unless the Park People snip off the shoots.

The Kingfisher, on the other hand, still looks lovely, and rather smug.
Now when I took photographs last year, the frog hadn't appeared. He was bright new wood when done, of course, but again, its hard to see he is a frog. However, when I saw him in the pouring rain a few days before I took the photo, he looked lovely, as frogs do in the wet!
It was very hard to take photos from the same position, as I couldn't remember quite where I had been, and it was very muddy, and I was in danger of slipping over!
The Park is just beginning to wake up from its winter sleep. The snowdrops are up and in bud, but their heads have not turned down yet. The ornamental bushes are beginning to sprout, and the willows are definitely looking a bit springlike. The Witch Hazel flowers are coming out, but not enough to make a decent photograph!
The two swans are still here, and the ducks look as though they have paired up. I will try and take some good photos of the swans for next time. Its very cold here today, but lovely and bright, so I might try to get clicking away this afternoon.