I have been trying since Tuesday - 4 days ago - to get a new blog up. But as soon as I think I have got a spare half hour - there's something else to be done.
Its been a busy week - a Committee meeting on Monday, a Members Morning on Thursday, and my Creative Writing Group on Friday. (I'll tell you about Wednesday in a mo!) All of these activities are connected with me being Secretary of the local U3A, which for those who don't know, is the University of the Third Age, a National Organisation for the over 50's, who are retired or not working. Basically, the stored and deep knowledge of its members is given to Groups who are interested. Like learning a language, Photography, Handicrafts, Painting, and where I go, Creative Writing.
Now our CW Group is putting on a performance (?) of the "12 Days of Christmas" at our Christmas Party in a fortnight, and I can tell you, if it all goes right, hopefully it will be very funny. Though I have a feeling if it all goes wrong, it will be even funnier!
Wednesday we went to one of my favourite stores, Lakeland, a wonderful store selling everything domestic. Then we went to Bramhall, where we, as usual, trawled the Charity Shops. Bramhall is a lovely little town, lots of boutique-y shops, and really nice places to have lunch. I must say, being a town in the wealthier end of Cheshire, we did find a very high quality of goods in the charity Shops.
If you are wondering what my collage is all about - its leaves. As all the leaves have mostly come off the trees now, and down onto our lawn, I thought I'd post some leaves that I enjoy looking at!
And the second photo is the lovely sky on Tuesday evening. We haven't got much of a view to the west here, but it was so colourful I had to take a shot of it.