Thought you might like a short walk around our garden. Come in at the front, and this is probably the best it will look! The broom nearest the front door is magnificent, and the scent hits you as you come out of the door! The tree is called a Bird Cherry, but why I have no idea, as it certainly isn't a cherry, and doesn't have fruit for the birds! it just looks lovely in the Spring.
Looking up into the tree all you can see is a mass of white.
The bluebells next to the broom make a good contrast.
A close-up of the broom flowers.
At the back, the patio plants are the first you see, the pansies are very good this year, despite the bad weather we had in the winter.
I think this is my favourite colour!
The Dicentras are doing well, they are so reliable and come up every year with their little hanging flowers.
And down the end of the garden, the ferns are uncurling fast. They are huge plants now, and really fill that5 bed at the end. Which is a good thing!