Sunday afternoon looked like being sunny, if not very warm, so we drove up to Teggs Nose Country Park. Teggs Nose is the end of an outcrop of rock that has been quarried for years for a very pleasant building stone, used all round here. The quarry is now disused, and is part of a bigger area designated a Country Park.

Unfortunately when we got up there, the cloud was low, and it was a very dull day. Not really good for photography! But I hope you can see that there is a long, rther dull path to get up to where we were going. Mr. G didn't think I would make it.

But I did! However, those steps are wickedly steep, and although the old rickety railing has been replaced with a much sturdier one, I knew I couldn't get up there, so went round the long way round a sort of tump.........

........past an Ash tree, which in better weather has a lovely view to the west.......

........and up to where the old quarries start. Now the spoil heaps and rock are all covered with heather, which looks lovely in the late summer, but is just brown now.

There are great views from where we got to, even though there is much more, higher up. However, it was bitterly cold up there, with a wind so strong I had difficulty in keeping my balance and holding the camera straight and steady, so we turned for home.

Mr. G found it unpleasant, I like a good blow, and it was great to get out, and the dog had a wonderful time!

Back down at the entrance to the car park we are told its is 168 miles to London. The road here is the Old Buxton Road, very narrow and tortuous, so a New Buxton Road was built, wider, but still with bends all the way. It has the sorry title of the most dangerous road in England, as it is used by motorcyclists keen on seeing how fast they can go. There have been far too many fatal accidents over the years, and many more people injured. The Police and the Council have done a lot to make it safer, speed cameras and in the summer holiday season, the Police spotter plane all have a big presence. But there are always some idiots around.
I enjoyed my windy walk, and was delighted I could get to somewhere high enough to have a view. Now, next time its sunny, and clear, and perhaps not so much wind........