Wags was the first dog we had. We had her as a puppy when Sue was about 6 or 7. She was half pedigree Springer Spaniel, but her mother Got Out at the wrong time and met the local Border Collie. Wags was never quite sure whether to round us up or concentrate on retrieving us!

She was the most wonderful dog. Very playful, very gentle, long-suffering but an excellent guard dog. She knew when a stranger was coming to the front or back door, and would bark loudly. Just one or two barks, until we had sorted the caller out. Our driveway had no gate, but she would sit on the concrete of the driveway, with her paws just touching the tarmac of the path, and never go out!

She was a very handsome dog, and of course, had a lot of admirers! But she considered herself MY dog, and I felt quite happy taking her for a walk in our local woods even when it was only barely light in the mornings. Had anyone approached me she at once came near, and I am sure would have gone sraight for the jugular had I been attacked! We had her for 13 wonderful years, and I cried for a week when we had to have her put to sleep because of a nasty malignent tumour she had n her mouth.

Our next dog was a rescue dog, called Ben. We were never sure what sort he was, but whatever it was, he loved digging! Many times I had to drag him out from a hole he was investigating and digging into. I had visions of him disappearing into a badgers set, or rabbit hole and being lost for ever! He too was a very good looking dog, neat and tidy, and liked nothing better than curling up next to me.

Ben was a very energetic dog, and on walks would run back and forth, so that he went at least 3 times as far as we did! He would endlessly run after balls thrown for him, but was not the best dog at bringing them back! When we moved from Buckinghamshire up to the North West near Manchester, he came with us, and loved the Park at the back of the garden
We had Ben for about 16 years - he lived for a remarkably long time, and only left us when his quality of life was not what he would have wanted.
Our current dog is Max. In a sense he was a 'rescue' dog, as he belonged to my ex son-in-law. He had had Max, plus another dog, for nearly 5 years, so Max had grown up with my grandsons. When son-in-law moved to the USA the dogs had to be rehomed. So who better to take one than Grandparents! We had vowed not to have another dog, as we were getting older, and really wanted to be able to travel a bit before it was too late, but we got Max instead. He loves sticks, and happily collects as many as he can carry!
Max came with us on holiday to Anglesey, where he was in his element, as the owner of our rented holiday cottage had 13 Cocker Spaniels, like Max! This picture is of a very hot and tired Max waiting at the foot of a monument on Anglesey. A drop of water would not have come amiss! (But he did get some soon after!)

Max loves walks, but likes to keep to the edges of wherever we are, nose down, sniffing his way along. He would have made a splendid sniffer dog for drugs or whatever! Mr. G here is having a rest, but Max is ready to go further!
I know not all of you will be dog lovers, but I hope you will forgive me indulging myself today. It is a cold, grey and wet day, there isn't mch else happening, so I blogged with dogs!
PS I do like cats, too!