Yesterday (Friday) we went over to Buxton, which is in Derbyshire,in the Peak District, and not very far from where we live. The Buxton Road is very winding, with big dangerous bend. It is unfortuately very popular with bikers, who test themselves and their machines on the bends, unhappily causing many accidents, too many of which are fatal. But the road does have fabulous views in all directions. I tried to take the above from the car as it was moving. I hasten to add I was NOT driving!

We went to Buxton and Grin Low Country Park, to the Grin Low entrance. The other one goes to Poole's cavern, a big limestone cave, full of stalactites and stalcmites, which gets very busy in the summer. The Grin Low end was very quiet, with a huge car park. There is also a camping and caravan site, but the tent field was closed due to waterlogging! I felt very sorry for holiday-makers there. The sites, car park, and the start of the walks are in a vast disused quarry. Cliffs of rock tower over the site, looking magnificent, even on a dull day.

The paths follow these cliffs quite closely,

and we are warned to beware falling rocks!

The path was very steep. The photograph doesn't give the right impression - believe me, I was wondering if I would ever make it, but I was determined to get to the top and see what was round the corner, and I got there!

The path followed an old lane, with rocks on one side, where most of the flowers seemed to be growing out of the cracks.

At a junction, one path led over a stile into a very interesting-looking wood, which we were tempted to go down, but we turned right and came out onto the most beautiful grassland.

It was covered with wild flowers, and hawthorn bushes, right up to Solomon's Temple, a circular "viewpoint" built in 1896 for those who fancied a walk after taking the waters in Buxton Spa. It has been built on a neolithic burial mound, ansd there have probably been other buildings there. It stands on Grin Low (Low in the peak District means a hill, or mound) and was seemingly named after the previous owner of the land, one Solomon Mycock. Nothing to do with the Solomon of Biblical fame! That's it on the skyline. We didn't attempt to get there!

The views round 180° are breath-taking - almost literally, as there was a brisk wind up there!

The grass was covered with wild flowers, including harebells, which I have not seen for a long time. They are so delicate, but survive in some of the coldest and windiest spots. There were also red clover and some yellow flowers I didn't know the name of! There was a handy information notice, telling s about the limestone grassland, and the flowers and animals likely to be seen. We didn't spot any animals, and only a few jackdaws, but the flowers made up for that!
On the way home we stopped at the Peak View Tea Rooms for some lunch. We both had toasted bacon, cheese and tomato sandwiches, and agreed that they were the best toasted sandwiches we had ever had! I can heartily recommend the Tea Rooms (a bit of a misnomer, they do full lunches and are licensed) - the food is fantastic!

I was most intrigued with the embroidered cake covers - I've never seen anything like them before. The cakes looked tantalising, but Mr. G steered me away firmly!

Each table had very quirky cruet sets. Ours were burgers, but this table had a monk and a fridge! There were also buses, coca cola tins, and other weird and wonderful sets. On the wall was a marvellous display of teapots shaped like houses, cottages, vegetables, you name it. Around the room were pottery sheep, animals and all sorts of other things.
Altogether a very satisfactory day!